ABE CORPORATION JSC was established with the aim of successfully executing EPCM (Engineering, Procurement, Construction & Maintenance) contracts of any complexity, implying a comprehensive implementation of projects, starting with initialization and investment, followed by exploration work and providing material and technical resources, construction up to operation and subsequent service.
Group companies
It unites a group of Kazakhstani enterprises specializing in engineering and design, construction, transportation, logistics and forwarding, services in the oil and gas sector, recruiting and leasing personnel, laboratory quality control, scientific research, leasing premises, providing catering services, and security services.
ABE Energy Services Limited Liability Partnership, founded in 2004. The company provides a full range of services in the field of logistics, transportation, conservation, customs clearance, storage and cargo escorting. ABE Energy Services provides long-term services to major oilfield projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The main activities of ABE TRADING COMPANY LLP are: Commercial intermediary and trade procurement activities; Trade in fuels and lubricants, special vehicles, components for machinery, building materials, including but not limited to crushed stone, timber, scrap metal;
The limited liability partnership “AVE-CIS” was created in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and was registered on January 30, 2008. Re-registration was carried out on November 29, 2010, with a change in the membership of the Partnership, a change in the name from AVESpetsneftegaz Interinzh LLP to AVE-CIS LLP and amending the charter of the Partnership.

Car park was renewed, namely 6 items of Toyota Hiace minibuses were purchased and put in service. 3 items of Toyota Coaster buses; special units USD-450×700 for KamAZ-6520 chassis, which allowed us to increase volume of services provided and creation of new workplaces.
ABE-SNG LLP provides intelligent pigging services since 2008. During this period 15634,38 km of pipes were inspected jointly with foreign partners. Within realization of projects we obtained experience enabling to create an independen local provider of intelligent pigging services in RK.
In January, 2021 the company management replaced a shake screen. Timely replacement of equipment ensures continuous performance of crushed stone plant, and allows manufacturing of clean and quality product.
Our awards and certificates

Clients and partners


ABE Corporation JSC
050057, Almaty city,
Radostovets str., 152/6
Tel.: 8 727 250 75 43
Fax: 8 727 250 77 54

NIIstromproject LLP
050057 Almaty city,
Radostovets str., 152/6
Тel.: 8 7272 503 069
Тel/fax: 8 727 274 75 40

Bek-Security Limited LLP
050057, Almaty,
Radostovets str., 152/6
Tel/fax: 8 727 334 20 62

060007, Atyrau,
Syrym Datov str., 48
Tel.: 8 7122 321 674
Fax: 8 727 250 77 54

Temirzhol Kurylys –
Atyrau LLP
060007 Atyrau,
Syrym Datov str., 48
Tel.: 8 7122 35 46 06

Transport and Forwarding
Company LLP
030000, Aktobe,
Lomonosov str., 17 A
Tel/fax: 8 7132 976 255

AksayAvtoTrans JSC
090300, WKO, Aksay city,
West-Kazakhstan region,
Burlinsky district,
str Promishlennaya zona 39H
Тel.: 8 7113 375 761
Fax: 8 71133 757 62

KTZ Temirzhol Kurylys-Aksay LLP
090300, WKO, Burlinsky district,
Aksai, Industrial zone territory
of “Aksaiavtotrans” JSC
Tel/fax: 8 71133 41011